GothicSanDiego.Com Events:
04/18/2004 Campo Train Ride Gallery and Movie
01/11/2004 Mission San Diego De Alcala
12/23/2003 Give4Xmas Holiday food distribution
11/16/2003 Kitchen Creek Truck Trail.
9/14/2003 GSD Weekend BBQ by Darkman
9/14/2003 GSD Weekend BBQ by Devin Tuffy

Pictures of events/Other from members:

Carniverous Plants
Goat Canyon Part #2 3/28/2004 The easy way?
Goat Canyon Train Trestle Hike 2/29/2004
Anza Borrego, The Slot, Font's Point 2/1/2004
FireStorm 10/26-10/27 2003

Nemme Goranson:
Anza Borrego, The Slot, Font's Point
Laguna Mountains/Lake Cuyamaca One Week After Firestorm 2003
Crest One Week After Firestorm 2003

Brian Masters:
Nice parking
Goat Canyon/Carrizo Gorge Train Trestle
Anza Borrego, The Slot, Font's Point

David Datakechi:
Anza Borrego, The Slot, Font's Point